Friday, 3 October 2014

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships (Rs.100000) for Women

With a view to identify the technical potential of women graduates in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and similar courses, Google organisation has been sanctioning Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships to Women graduates. The purpose and aim of these Google scholarships is to see that Women take up Computer courses in large numbers. These google scholarships are made available region-wise. Indian students come under Asia-Pacific region. A Google notification will be issued for these Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships every year in the first quarter of the year.
Candidates will be selected basing on their academic performance and the views shared by them in the technology sector and pay cash of Rs.100000 as Google Scholarship to each of them along with making available some other facilities to them. Let us now know something about these significant Google scholarships. 

What is the eligibility for Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship?
These Google scholarships will be awarded every year. Only female students are eligible for them. To apply for the Google scholarships, they should be prosecuting Degree / PG courses in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and allied subjects. Since Indian students come under Asia-Pacific region, they should be studying the courses in that academic year in the educational institutions in India or in other Asia-Pacific countries. Students studying in some other than Asia-Pacific countries are not eligible for Google Scholarships.

Google Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Notification
Notification for Google Scholarship will be released every year in the early months of the year.

Applications for Google Scholarship
Candidates should submit the applications only on-line only for Google Scholarship

Enclosures for Google Scholarship
Along with their resumes with full details, students should enclose detailed answers to the 3 essay type questions Google requires them to submit. Answers can be written in the language best known to the candidate. However, it is advisable to write them in English language. These essays along with the resume are to be mailed to them in .pdf format. Along with them, Study certificate from the educational institute, where they are studying, academic marks, grades and performance details should be enclosed to them.

Mode of selection for Google Rs.100000 Scholarship
Selection for sanction of Google scholarships will be made basing on their academic performance and the ideas shared by them in the essays.

In case of selection for Google Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Cash award of Rs.100000 as Google Scholarship will be given to each of the selected candidates. They will be taken to the Google office premises, located in the Asia-Pacific region and they can spend there for a week, observing the work environment in Google offices. Doubts can be got clarified from the Google senior technical employees there. Lecture sessions will be arranged at the centre with their top level expert-executives in the field on the most interesting topics. Candidates can have the first-hand experience about the importance and encouragement that Google is giving to female employees. These people will be preferred in the future Google recruitment of Software Development jobs. There is no doubt that this scholarship stands as an additional attraction along with the resume and it becomes easy to get internship in other renowned organisations.

These Google scholarships were being awarded right from 2004 and treating India as a unit especially for Indian students, scholarships were awarded till 2012. During this period, 12 students used this opportunity to get these scholarships. However, from 2013, the definition for unit has been changed to ‘Asia-Pacific’ region. Australia, Bharat, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand come under this region. Out of 25 Google scholarships awarded during 2013 in this region, Indian students snatched 7 scholarships and out of 28 scholarships in 2014, Indians got 7.

Who this Anita Borg is?
Anita Borg is an American Computer Technocrat. She enkindled women in advanced countries along with USA to enter into Computer sector. She put the best of efforts to see that women improve their managerial skills to scale new heights in the industry. Borg firmly believed that technology would have influence not only on personal life, but also on social, economic and political aspects of life and that women alone can design and implement the technological knowledge to meet the needs of the world. To take women to the forefront technologically, she started an organisation called ‘Anita Borg’. It has a council in India also. Women leading renowned technology organisations/ institutions are the members of this council. They give necessary advices to the Council to meet the special needs of India.

From the year 1994, Grass Hooper celebrations are being conducted every year to bring together the women in Computer industry on to a common platform. Borg herself is the resource for conducting this event. The aim of Anita Borg organisation is to enkindle needed interest in women in the computer industry, informing them the opportunities available in various companies, conducting seminars and related events. Borg’s vision is to see that women occupy at least 50% of the posts in this industry by the year 2020. She started awarding scholarships to women prosecutingGoogle Computer Science course every year as a matter of recognition to women contributing to technology, especially to Computer Science. For this purpose, she selects candidates region-wise covering the entire world. Hence the name given to this scholarship is “Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship”.

More information relating to this Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship can be got from the website:

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